Сабақтың тақырыбы: Would you like some more tea?
Альжапарова Аклима Жаксалыковна ағылшын тілінің мұғалімі 1 санаты Ақмола облысы Зеренді ауданы Ақкөл орта мектебі |
The form: 6 «A»
The theme of the lesson: Would you like some more tea?
The aims of the lesson:
- to enable pupils to speak about food, countable and uncountable nouns, the meanings of much and many; some and any;
- to enrich pupils ‘vocabularies and develop their skillings of speaking, writing and reading.
- to develop pupils interest in learning English.
Visual aids: Cards, active board, tables
Outline of the lesson:
I. Organization moment: Good afternoon, gues.
— How are you?
— Who is on duty today?
— Who is absent?
— What day is it today?
— What date is it today?
— What month is it now?
— What season is it now?
II. Phonetic drill. How much money do you have?
Not much. Not much.
How much money do you have?
A few dollars, a few dollars
How much money, do you have?
It’s mine. It’s mine.
III. Warm up. Divide the nouns into countable and uncountable
Oranges, coffee, apples, tea, bananas, juice, grapes, bread, eggs, cheese, tomatoes, rice, biscuits, milk, potatoes, butter, carrots, sugar.
In | Out
Oranges | juice
Apples | rice
Carrots | milk
IV. Introducing the grammar
Would like /would love — нақты уақытты және сол уақыттағы іс-әрекетті көрсетеді
What would you like to do this evening? I would like some juice now
Would like= ‘d like
Would love= ’d love
I like swimming. She likes dancing.
I like apples. He likes bananas.
V. Practise your grammar
Ex, 6 Put some, any in the correct place in the sentences
1/There are newspapers on the bookshelf
Example: There are some newspapers on the bookshelf
1/ Are there ---bus tickets in your briefcase?
2/ There are---stamps in my bag
3/ There aren’t---keys in the kitchen
4/ There are---pens on the table
5/ Are there----Greek students in your class?
6/ There aren’t ---biscuits
7/ Is there----cheese on the menu?
8/ Can we have----oranges?
9/ Would you like---vegetables?
10/ Would you like----coffee?
VI. Practise your conversation. Make up the dialogues.
a/ Ordering a meal «At the cafe».

b/ At the café «I’m thirsty»

VII. Now children, let’s link all the words which we‘ve heard today
— potatoes
— potatoes, salad
— potatoes, salad, cheese
— potatoes, salad, cheese, vegetables etc…..
Playing the game «BINGO»
You should mark the translations of the words which I name now.
1 |
Нан |
Жұмыртқа |
Кофе |
Шырын |
Су |
Сүт |
2 |
Күріш |
Жүзім |
Сәбіз |
Печенье |
Сүт |
Жұмыртқа |
3 |
Май |
Күріш |
Шырын |
Сүт |
Нан |
Қант |
4 |
Сүт |
Жүзім |
Ірімшік |
Май |
Су |
Сәбіз |
5 |
ірімшік |
Кофе |
шырын |
апельсин |
шай |
май |
Reading the dialogue and try to translate it into your native language
Vocabulary: Are there any new words?
— Can I help you?
— Yes, please. Three small
— What flavour?
— What flavor have you got?
— I’ve got strawberry, vanilla, chocolate and coffee.
— OK, one strawberry, one vanilla and one chocolate, please.
— Right…..who’s the strawberry for?
— It’s for her.
— And the chocolate?
— It’s for him. The vanilla’s for me
— Here you are.
— How much is that?
— They’re 60 p. each that’s 1.80.altogether.
VIII. Giving home task: Ex,3 learn the dialogue and translate it into your native language
Giving marks. The lesson is over. Good bye.
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