Брейн-ринг по английскому языку в 10 классе по теме «Моя Родина — Казахстан»
Нажмутдинова Галия Абдулловна учитель английского языка, высшая категория Мамлютская средняя школа № 3 им. Х.Бектурганова СКО |
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«My Motherland — Kazakhstan»
«Менің отаным — Қазақстан»
Aims of the lesson:
Educational: to enrich pupils` knowledge about Kazakhstan, talking about our Republic achievements during years of independence, to revise the parts of speech.
Developing: to develop pupils` skills of oral speech and reading, to train pupils` abilities in grammar, to improve pupils` skills in independent work.
Bringing up: to bring up pupils to be patriots of their motherland, to love their country and to make great efforts in the development of the country.
Form of the lesson: revision lesson.
Methods of the lesson: conversation, explanation, collective, brain storming, competition.
Subject connections: Kazakh language, Literature, History, Geography.
Materials: Presentation, including pictures of famous Kazakh peoples, of Astana and Almaty` sights, video «Nauryz», audio recording of songs: B.Tulegenova «Bulbul», R.Rymbaeva «Atameken», «Svadebnaya Kazakhskaya», Asylbek Ensepov «Sultan» (dombyra).
Сomputer, interactive board.
1. Good morning dear boys and girls
Слайд 1
Today we have an unusual lesson. The theme of our brain ring is «Моя Родина — Казахстан», «My Motherland — Kazakhstan», «Менің отаным — Қазақстан». We will talk about our state symbols, geographical position, our capital, famous people of our Republic. Pupils in two teams will answer the questions.
Слайд 3
You may give your answers in three languages. Your right answer in English bring your theme 5 points, your right answer in Kazakh — 4 points, and in Russian — 3 points. I wish you success.
Слайд 4, 5
«Казахстан должен восприниматься во всем мире как высокообразованная страна, население которой пользуется тремя языками. Это: казахский язык — государственный язык, русский язык — как язык межнационального общения и английский язык — язык успешной интеграции в глобальную экономику»
«Kazakhstan must be the high educational country where people can use three languages. They are: Kazakh — the state language, Russian- the language of communication between nationalities and English- the language of successful integration into global economic.»
Слайд 6
— When was the last Constitution adopted?
— On the 30 th of August
Слайд 7
— Who is the head of the country?
— President
— Who is the author of the anthem?
— Zh. Nazhimedenov, N.Nazarbaev, Sh. Kaldayakov.
— Who is the creator of the flag?
— Sh. Niyazbekov
Слайд 8
— What`s the population of Kazakhstan today?
— 16 865 000
— People of how many nationalities live in Kazakhstan?
— More 130
— What`s the largest lake of Kazakhstan?
— Balhash
— How old is Petropavlovsk?
— 260 years old
Слайд 9
— What is the name of the capital?
— The name of the capital is Astana.
Слайд 10
Астана — арман қала, Біз оны анамыздай
Бағы бір жанған қала. Сүйеміз шынында да.
Тұрады ол
Мен үлкен болғанда да. Жүретін салтанатым.
Төкті оған нұрын дала, Астана — биігіміз,
Астана — сұлу қала. Биіктер күнге жақын.
Слайд 11
When was Akmola renamed in Astana?
Astana was founded in 1830 as a fortification of Russian Empire. In March 1917 the Soviet Power was established in Akmola. In 1961 Akmola was renamed into Tselinograd and became the centre of Tselinny Krai. In 1992 the city got its name Akmola again and since October 1997 Akmola has became a new capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In 1998 it was renamed in Astana. Now Astana is a modern growing city, a political, financial, economic, scientific and
Слайд 12
— Name the longest rivers which flow along the territory of Kazakhstan?
— Irtysh, Syrdariya
— What region of Kazakhstan is called Kazakh Switzerland?
— Burabai
— What countries does Kazakhstan border on?
— Russia, China, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan.
— What was the first name of Almaty?
Слайд 13
One of the wonderful sight of our Kazakhstan is Borovoe. Everybody knows about this splendid place. Many tourists from different countries come to Borovoe. They like its beautiful lakes, woods, mountain, hills. One of other sightseeing is «Sleeping knight», which is in the middle of the lake. Borovoe is a beautiful place. Around it there are many lakes and each has his own history. There is a big and beautiful Zoo in Borovoe.
Слайд 14
The first name of Almaty was Vernyi
Слайд 15
— What`s the highest mountain range of Kazakhstan?
— Zhungarski Alatau, Han Tengri peak
Слайд 16
What English, Kazakh, Russian proverbs about home and homeland do you know?
Отан туралы қандай мақ
Слайд 17
— Отан оттан да ыстық.
— Туған жердей жер болмас,
Туған елдей ел болмас.
— Отансыз
— Отан — елдін анасы,
Ел — ердін анасы.
— East or West home is best.
— There is no place like home.
— My house is my castle.
— Every country has its customs.
— When at Rome do as Romans do.
Say some proverbs on theme in Russian! (В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.
Мой дом — моя крепость.
Слайд 18, 19, 20
— Do you know the names of these Beis? What are they famous for?
— Tole Bei Alibekuly (1663–1756)
— Kazybek Bei Kaldibekuly (1667–1764)
— Aiteke Bei (
They are the authors of Code of laws «Zhety Zhargy»
Слайд 21, 22
— Who is this man? What was he famous for?
— Abylai han (Abulai, Ablai, Abilmansur Ablai han) (1711–1781), han of the Middle zhuze, one of the most famous han.
Cлайд 23, 24
— What do you know about the origin of dombra?
— The dombra is the most favorite and the most common tool in the musical life of the Kazakhs. Kazakh dombra — a stringed,
Let`s have a rest. Students of our class have prepared some dance performance.
«Kara zhorga», «Hanshaim»
Cлайд 25
— Listen to the songs and name them
— Bibigul Tulegenova «Bulbul»
— Roza Rymbaeva «Atameken»
— Dos Mukasan «Toi zhyry»
— Asylbek Ensepov «Sultan» (dombra)
Слайд 26
— Do you know the name of this man? What is he famous for?
— Abai Kunanbaev.
— Abai Kunanbaev is a great poet, writer, public figure, founder of the modern Kazakh written literature, the reformer of culture in the spirit of rapprochement with the Russian and European culture on the basis of enlightened liberal Islam.
Слайд 27
— Magzhan Zhumabaev. What do you know about this man?
— Magzhan Zhumabayev — great Kazakh writer, poet, publicist, one of the founders of the new Kazakh literature. His verses, poems, stories of inherent keen tragedy, expressing the sense of responsibility before the people and the results of his appeal to the origins and the critical moments of history. At the same time, Magzhan accepted universal artistic and scientific heritage, starting with Shakespeare, Pushkin
Cлайд 28
— What are the names of the Kazakh
— Aliya Moldagulova
— Manshuk Mametova
Слайд 29, 30
What will you tell us about Baurzhan Momyshuly?
— Baurzhan Momyshuly (1910–1982) — hero of the Soviet Union, participant of the great Patriotic War, the writer. In the division of the Panfilov Baurzhan Momyshuly was the war. At first he was a company commander, battalion, regiment, later commander of a division.
Cлайд 31, 32
What do you know about the movement
— The international
The history of the
The movement
Слайд 33
What national games do you see on the pictures?
Kyz Kuu
Слайд 34, 35
— What holidays do we celebrate in Kazakhstan?
— Nauryz.
— What number is the holy for Kazakh people and why?
— The Kazakhs at the celebration of Nauryz was binding the presence of a number of «7», which represents the seven days of the week — time units of universal eternity: in front of elders were the seven bowls with the drink of
Presentation of video film about Nauryz.
Cлайд 36
— Can you name the most popular meat dish?
Besbarmak, Kazi, Karta, Shuzhuk, Kuirdak
Слайд 37
— What is the popular culinary dish?
— Baursak
— There are a lot of achievements of Kazakhstan last time. On the
Kazakhstan is integrating into the world community, so we must know English very well. You are our future, you must respect our state symbols, love our Motherland very much and do the best for development and prosperity of our Republic.
Уour hometask is to write composition about our Motherland — Kazakhstan.
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