Девятый международный творческий конкурс «Зимние забавы» для детей, педагогов и воспитателей Казахстана, стран ближнего и дальнего зарубежья


Demonstrative lesson «Christmas»

Девятый международный творческий конкурс «Зимние забавы» для детей, педагогов и воспитателей Казахстана, стран ближнего и дальнего зарубежья




Шымкент қаласы Кеңес Одағының Батыры С.Рахымов атындағы Шымкент Республикалық әскери мектеп-интернаты, Ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Мусакулова Айгул Абдуллақызы

Мусакулова Айгул Абдуллақызы

Aims: generalize the material on the theme; consolidate lexics; develop skills and habits of oral speech, auditive comprehension

Visual aids: Posters, ballons, Christmas trees, presents, candles etc

T: Good afternoon, dear guests. Welcome to our party! Today we are having a special holiday Christmas.

P1: Christmas is a religious holiday. It is a day on which Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. It is a happy holidays. Families come together to share their happiness attend chucks and exchange gifts. Houses are decorated with wreaths of holly and mistletoe:Children hang up stocking to receive gifts from Santa Claus.

P2: Много своеобразного, национального сохранилось в традиционных календарных праздниках англичан.

Рождество — самый грандиозный по своему размаху среди всех праздников.

Все сходятся на том, что Рождество должно быть самым веселым и ярким событием в году. Нельзя не восхититься, с какой фантазией украшаются к Рождеству дома, офисы, магазины и улицы. Дом, украшенный к Рождеству, часто становится предметом гордости хозяина. Соседи соревнуются друг с другом — у кого это получится лучше и богаче. В безудержном карнавале красок доминируют два традиционных цвета — красный и зеленый. Зеленые елки (Christmas Trees) или ветки вечнозеленых растений, украшенные красными ленточками, фонариками и колокольчиками, являются неизменными атрибутами Рождества. И, конечно же, повсюду звучат Рождественские песни.

The Choir: «Christmas Tree»

P3: A Christmas tree! A Christmas tree!
A time for being with family
A time that’s gone so fleetingly
Yet lives for always deep in me.
A Christmas tree! A Christmas tree!
When twelfth night comes whole hauntingly
One lingered look and then i see
No Christmas tree where it would be.

P4: There’s more, much more to Christmas
Than just candle-lights and cheer;
It’s the spirit of sweet friendship
That brightens all the years;
It is thoughtfulness and kindness,
It is hope that is reborn again,
For peace,for understanding
And for goodwill to humans!

P5: A Christmas tree! A Christmas tree!
With dark green needled memories
Of childhood dreams and mysteries
Wrapped present-like in front of me.
A Christmas tree! A Christmas tree!
I glimpse a past wherein i see
The child that then grew into me
Not forward fast but haltingly.

T: In Christmas Santa Claus comes and brings many presents to children. Today Santa Claus came to congratulate us with his presents. Santa Claus got his name from a man known as St. Nickolas who lived in Asia in the fourth century. He gave his wealth to the poor and often to children. After he died the Dutch brought this legend to colonial America. Soon the Dutch name Sinter Kluas became Santa Claus.

Santa Claus: Hello dear pupils and guests I came to congratulate you with New Year and Christmas. I have questions and many presents to you. Merry Christmas!

Santa Claus asks some questions:

1) What is my traditional transport? (a sleigh pulled by reindeer)
2) Where do I live?(in the Arctic Circle)
3) Where do I get into houses to deliver presents?(down the chimney)
4) Who delivers Christmas presents to dogs (Santa Paws)
5) What does Santa Claus fill with presents?(stockings)

P6: Christmas season, Christmas day
Christmas list of Christmas wish, ey!
Christmas gifts under Christmas tree
Christmas feasts to be shared, it’s free!
Christmas is here, Christmas is there
Christmas is celebrated everywhere
Yuletide it brings yonder all
Yuletide it sings in every heart of all.

P7: May you find love this Christmas
May your heart fill with cheer
May you feel so special
May it last all through the years
May you find love this Christmas
May there be a smile on your face
May you forget those sad times
May they leave without a trace

P8: Merry, Merry Christmas
Is likely to come.
Merry, Merry Christmas
You are welcome!
Snow in the window,
Much confetti
Bright — blue, red and yellow
Lights on the tree.
Smiling eyes and faces,
Sweet music in the hall.
I think someone places
Happiness here for all.
Merry, Merry Christmas
Is likely to come.
Merry, Merry Christmas
You are welcome!

P9: May this Christmas end the present year
On a cheerful note and make way
For a fresh and bright new year.
Here’s wishing you a
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

P10: Merry Christmas to my love!
Enjoy the holiday!
Revel where the angels move,
Rejoice in what they say!
Years burn life down to a stub;
Christmas comes and goes.
Happiness lies at the nub,
Refuse of one’s woes.
Inside the husk there is the seed,
Shivering with glory;
The midnight cold, the dire need,
Mere setting for the story.
All the labor, loss, and pain
Sings of beauty born again.

P11: May you find love this Christmas
May God bless you my friend
May the happiness you share
May it start a new trend
May you find love this Christmas
May you be surrounded by friends
May it be joy this season brings
May it never come to an end

The Song Last Christmas

P12: The Christmas brings memories.
And kindest thoughts untold.
Of friends we may not often see.
But hope to always hold.
So may the greeting be a relation.
In friendship’s valuable chain.
& may there be a Christmas.
When we shall meet again!

The Choir: «Jingle Bells»
