Kazakhstan is my Motherland
Есмуханова Маржан Нуртазовна учитель английского языка, стаж 25 лет, первая категория, КГУ «Мортыкская средняяя школа» Уалихановский район СКО |
Сабақтың мақсаты:
1. Қазақстан туралы толық мәлімет беру, алған мәліметтер арқылы жоба құру және оны қорғау
2. Оқушылардың ізденіспен қабілетін дамыту, өз көзқарасын дәләлдеп қорғай білу. Топпен ұйымшылдықпен жұмыс істей білуге үйрету.
3. Өз елінің патриот азаматын тәрбиелеу.
Сабақтың көрнекілігі: Карта, интерактивті тақта, компьютер.
Әдісі: Венн диаграммасы, ассоциация, жоба.
Пән аралық байланыс: география, биология, қазақ әдебиеті
The plan of the lesson:
1. Organization moment.
2. Phonetic practice.
3. Brainstorming.
4. Project work of the pupils. (Checking up their home work )
5. Test.
6. Result of the lesson and home work.
1. Organization moment
— Good morning, children and our guests. You are welcome to our open lesson. Today’s lesson devoted to our country Kazakhstan.
2. Phonetic practice
— Read this poem with good intonation and make your own translation.
Oh, Kazakhstan, I’m in love with you!
Remember, Kazakhstan you are great
Not in the green fields full of wheat,
And forests, gardens free of dust.
I love you deeply, dear land.
Your hills and rivers, lakes and seas,
Which give me always much delight.
3. Brainstorming
— Our country as a sovereign state has its own national flag, emblem and anthem.
When is the birthday of the state symbols?
What do know about the emblem of our country?
What does the Red Star symbolize?
How many parts do Tulpars horns consists of?
What do you know about the flag of our country?
What does the eagle symbolize?
What does the sun symbolize?
What do know about our anthem?
4. Project work of the pupils. (Checking the home work )
— What associations do you have with the word «Kazakhstan»?

Right, we’ll speak about geography, climate, population, cities, famous places of Kazakhstan.
— Work in groups, one speaker from each group will come and retell the topic about
a) Kazakhstan’s geography (картамен жұмыс)
b) Kazakhstan’s sightseeing (cлайд 2 топ)
c) Kazakhstan’s wild life (слайд 3 топ)
— Which cities of Kazakhstan do you know?
Astana is the new capital of Kazakhstan. Almaty is the old capital of our country.

— Retell the proverbs about Motherland and nature.
East or West home is best.
There is no place like home.
My home is my castle.
You must do test and find once more proverb.
5. Test
1.What is the capital of Kazakhstan?
f)Almaty g) Akmola h) Astana?
2.What is typical for Kazakhstan’s steppe?
n) tree o) saxaul p) pine-apple tree
3.Who is the head of the state?
m)President n) khan o) prime-minister
4.What is the population of Kazakhstan?
d)10 560 768 e) 16 870 000 f) 17 560 000
5.Where is Kazakhstan situated?
g) Europe h) Australia i) Central Asia
6. What is the climate of the state?
r) mild s) extremely continental t) continental
7. What is the national symbol of Kazakhstan?
w) the bald eagle x) the rose y) golden man
8. What is the area of Kazakhstan?
f) 1 546 000 square km g) 6 546 000 square km h) 2 753 000 square km
9. When is Nauryz celebrated?
d) in December e) in March f) in February
10. What lake is the Balkhash?
r) half fresh and half salty s) salty t) fresh
11. With what country doesn’t Kazakhstan share its border?
c) China d) Russia e) France
12. What is the largest city in Kazakhstan?
r) Astana s) Kokshetau t) Almaty
13. What is typical animal of Kazakhstan?
h) snow leopard i) lion j) tiger
14. When was Akmola renamed Astana?
d) in 1997 e) in 1998 f) 1999
15. What is the official language in Kazakhstan?
f) Russian g) English h) Kazakh
16. For what have Kazakhs used falcons?
d) meat e) hunting f) playing
17. When is the Independence Day celebrated?
a) on the 16th of Dec. b) on the 22th of March c) on the 9th of May
18. What is the language of international communication?
p) English q) Kazakh r) Russian
19. What colour is the state flag?
t) blue and yellow u) blue and white v) red and yellow
20. Where is Ahmed Yassaui mausoleum situated?
h) Almaty i) Turkestan j) Shymkent
21. When was Medeu built?
q) in 1994 r) in 1975 s) in 1972
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6. Result of the lesson and home work
Home work: p. 118-119 learn the words.
We have finished our lesson. We have spoken about our country Kazakhstan.
You all were very active today.
Thank you for your hard work.
Your marks will be after their tests.
The lesson is over. Good bye!
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