Lesson «Everyday life»
Таловер Оксана Владимировна учитель английского языка, второй категории, стаж 7 лет, КГУ «Первый общеобразовательный IT-лицей », Казахстан, Северо-Казахстанская область, г. Петропавловск
Lesson: Everyday life |
School: First City IT lyceum |
Date:18.10 |
Teacher name: Oxana Talover |
Class: 6 b |
Number present: 12 absent: |
Learning objectives:
6.C1 use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups. 6.L6 deduce meaning from context in short, supported talk on an increasing range of general and curricular topics 6.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general topics, and some curricular topics 6.R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics 6.UE9 use simple present and simple past regular and irregular forms to describe routines, habits and states on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics |
Lesson objectives: |
By the end of the lesson: All learners will be able to:
Most learners will be able to:
Some learners will be to:
Value links |
Instills values of tolerance by group activities |
ICT skills |
By teacher only: using SMART board, pictures, smartphones |
Previous learning: |
Students have studied the language of daily life and hobbies and interests before. |
Planned timings |
Planned activities |
Resources /Materials |
The beginning of the lesson ( 2min.) |
Greeting students and teacher Guessing topic, setting objectives Ss get the cards with phrases. They need to find the beginning of the phrase or the end. Ss get divided into 4 groups. To do the washing To be interested in sport To get up early To have dinner Ss guess the topic of the lesson. |
Flashcards Приложение 1
Warming up (5 min)
Ss guess the topic of the lesson Ss discuss the mark system and come up with the assessment criteria for whole lesson. Teacher writes the criteria on the board for Ss to see. 0 mistakes – 10p. 1-2 mistakes -8p. 3-4 mistakes – 6 p. 5 mistakes – 4 p. Ss get self-assessment cards, where each S assesses oneself after completing each task. |
Self-assessment cards Приложение 2 |
The middle of the lesson: GW (30 min )
Ss see 4 envelopes colour coded. Ss choose one envelope marked with the colour and follow the task. Pink – listening. Ss listen to the recording and complete the table with proper information. Ss exchange their papers to check for mistakes. After checking for mistakes Ss give each other points according to the criteria. The answers are shown on the slide 2. |
audio New-Cutting Edge Pre-Intermediate Student’s book, Pearson Longman, Worksheets Приложение 3 Power point presentation |
Green – reading. Ss get a jigsaw text and need to put the paragraphs into the right order. Ss exchange their papers to check for mistakes. Key - C F A D B E (shown on the slide 3) Ss exchange their papers to award some points |
Tasks (ordering), worksheet Приложение 4 Cut texts New Total English Elementary Student’s Book, Pearson Longman Power point presentation |
Blue – Use of English. Ss complete the sentences with the correct word or grammar form. Key (shown on the slide 4) Vocabulary 1.Germany 2.Polish 3.get up 4.go to bed 5. the washing 6.take/put the rubbish Grammar 1.studies 2.don’t tidy 3.usually drives 4.do your….do 5.doesn’t go 6.do you start |
Worksheets Приложение 5 Power point presentation |
Yellow – posters. Each group gets information about their classmates on the topic of Everyday life – Hobbies Household chores Typical day Free time Ss get an envelope with the information and pictures to make a poster. They need to present the information in the form of the poster/table/scheme. Ss then need to speak about their poster for others to assess. Ss discuss the criteria: -Creativity -Team work -Content Ss then award the final points to each other. |
Приложение 6 Рисунок 1 Рисунок 2 Рисунок 3 Рисунок 4 Рисунок 5 Рисунок 6 Рисунок 7 Рисунок 8 Рисунок 9 Рисунок 10 Рисунок 11 Рисунок 12 Рисунок 13 Рисунок 14 |
he end of the lesson 2 min |
Ss reflect on their self-assessment cards and write feedback about the lesson on pieces of paper for 1 minute. Ss write their impressions from the lesson and also their thoughts. |
H/t 1 min |
Prepare their typical day in the form of the text/ timetable/drawing |
Additional information |
Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners? |
Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning? |
Cross-curricular links/Health and safety check/ICT links/ Values links |
More able will work as a leaders in their groups. Ss will choose the form of their home task according to their abilities. |
Ss self-assess during the lesson. Ss give assessments to their classmates after working in a group and poster presentation. Ss give final feedback on their readiness for the SAT |
Monitor classroom space when students start moving around Use water based markers
Reflection |
After conducting a lesson I should say that learning objectives as well as lesson objectives were realistic. All learners were able to achieve lesson objectives in some form or the other. In order for differentiation to work some learners needed to be reminded to include all the students in group work, but after that they managed to do just that. Learners also chose the type of the hometask in accordance with their abilities. I tried to stick to the timings by reminding learners to work faster and to pay attention. To cut some time I also asked learners to check each other’s work and award the points accordingly. |
Summary evaluation |
Learners were extremely engaged in the lesson. But although teacher talking time was to a big part of the lesson with practice it could be cut more. As well as learners ability to give self-evaluation. This class in particular enjoys creative tasks and giving assessments to each other. |
Использованная литература
1. New-Cutting Edge Pre-Intermediate Student’s book, Pearson Longman, 2005.
2. New Total English Elementary Student’s Book, Pearson Longman, 2011.
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