Упражнения по английскому языку для 1 класса
Шуман Ульяна Павловна учитель английского языка вторая квалификационная категория ГУ «Гимназия „БЭСТ“» г. Петропавловск СКО |
Грамматические упражнения
1) Вставь артикль a или an
1. __ book
2. __ aunt
3. __ father
4. __ puppy
5. __ engineer
6. __ toy
7. __ elephant
8. __ bird
9. __ teacher
10. __ uncle
2) Вставь нужную форму have либо has
1. I _____ got a mother and a father.
2. I ____ not got an uncle and an aunt.
3. Ann _____ got a bird and an elephant.
4. She ____ not got a ball.
5. Jack ____ got a toy bear.
6. I ____ got a sister.
7. Alice ____ got a brother and a sister.
8. He ____ not got a yellow bird.
9. Sam _____ got a blue car and a red ball.
10. I ____ got a toy.
3) Вставь нужную форму глагола To be
1. She ____ a doctor.
2. Jane ____ from America.
3. His name ____ Willy.
4. ____ Ann a pupil?
5. I ____ not a cosmonaut.
4) Вставь нужную форму глагола To Be — быть
1. We……… pupils.
2. They…….. doctors.
3. …….. she a pilot?
4. You…….. not a teacher.
5. …….. Tom a driver? No he…….
5) Вставь нужную форму глагола To Be
1. The cats ____ red.
2. ____ the dog black?
3. The ducks ____ yellow.
4. What colour ____ the puppy?
5. The kittens ____ brown.
6) Вставь do либо does
1. ______ I like to play tag?
2. ______ Jack like to play
3. ______you jump?
4. ______ Ann run?
5. ______ they like to play with a dog?
6. ______ she like to play with toys?
7. ______your sister like to play
8. ______ I want to be a doctor?
9. ______ he want to be a teacher?
10. ______ we like to skip?
7) Вставь do либо don’t
1. ………….. you want to be a teacher? Yes, I………….
2. …………. they play with dogs? No, they………………
3. …………. you like toys? Yes, I……………..
4. …………. you want to be doctors? No, we…………..
5. …………. they like to jump? Yes, they……………
8) Заполни пропуски
1. Do you play tag? Yes, I _________
2. Does your sister like her doll? No, she _____
3. Does Ann play with a ball? Yes, she _______
4. Do they like blue birds? No, they _________
5. Does Bob want to play? Yes, he _______
Лексические упражнения
1) Прочитай и выпиши слова в столбики
bird, policeman, ball, seven, pilot, yellow, monkey, engineer, one,
Цвета Животные Цифры Профессии Игрушки Игры
2) Скажи
1. Меня зовут Helen. ____________________
2. Я живу в Великобритании. ____________________
3. Я ученица____________________
4. У меня есть семья. ____________________
5. У меня есть подруга____________________
6. Её зовут Jane____________________
7. У меня есть игрушки____________________
8. Я люблю играть с игрушками. ____________________
9. У нас есть жёлтая утка и красный мяч. ____________________
10. Он любит играть с серым слоном. ____________________
3) Скажи
1. один красный мяч ________________________
2. два коричневых щенка ____________________
3. три жёлтых птички _______________________
4. четыре синих игрушки _____________________
5. пять чёрных кошек _______________________
6. шесть белых котят ________________________
7. семь зелёных кукол ________________________
8. восемь серых слонов ________________________
9. девять жёлтых мячей ________________________
10. десять чёрных собак ________________________
4) Допиши буквы
5) Найди 22 слова
Найди 22 слова |
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1) Прочитай и переведи текст
Hi, my name is Meg. I am from America. I am not a teacher. I am a pupil. I have got a mother. Her name is Abby. She isn’t an engineer. She is a teacher. And I have got a father. His name is Mike. He is a doctor. I have got a brother. He is a driver. And I have got a friend. Her name is Peg. She is a pupil too.
2) Прочитай и переведи текст
I have got a friend. Her name is Jane. She hasn’t got a ball. She has got a doll. Jane hasn’t got a sister. She has got a brother. His name is Mike. They are from Great Britain. They like toys. And have you got a toy?
2) Прочитай и переведи текст
My name is Kate. And what is your name? I have got a mother, a father, a sister and a brother. We are from Russia. I have got many toys. I have got one yellow duck, two brown bears and three red balls. I like to play with my toys very much. I have got a friend. Her name is Jane. She is from Great Britain. She isn’t from Kazakhstan. She has got many toys too. She has got a big orange ball and a little green frog. She has a funny grey elephant and a nice black puppy. Jane likes to play tag,
3) Прочитай, переведи диалог и выучи его наизусть
— Hi
— Hello
— What is your name?
— My name is Kate. And what is your name?
— My name is John. Do you like to play?
— Oh yes, I like to play very much. And you?
— I like to play too. What do you like to play?
— I like to play
— I like to play with my toys.
— What toys do you have?
— I have got many balls and monkeys, bears and elephants, birds and cats.
— What colour are your toys?
— They are black and white, green and yellow, brown and blue, red and pink, orange and grey.
— Let’s play with your toys.
— Ok. Let’s play.
4) Постарайся быстро прочитать лесенку
an elephant
a grey funny elephant
a big grey funny elephant
a nice big grey funny elephant
Jack has got a nice big grey funny elephant.
Творческое задание
Раскрась и напиши, какие цвета ты использовал. Постарайся использовать как можно больше цветов.

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