Седьмой международный творческий конкурс «Золотая осень» для детей, педагогов и воспитателей


Theme: «Welcome to Kazakhstan!»

Восьмой международный творческий конкурс «Золотая осень» для детей, педагогов и воспитателей




Ананьева Оксана Николаевна учитель английского языка первой квалификационной категории высшего уровня, КГУ «Средняя школа № 7» г. Усть-Каменогорска ВКО

The Plan of the English Lesson

Grade level: 8


  1. To enrich pupils’ knowledge about Kazakhstan (Eastern Kazakhstan); to teach to find information while reading the text.
  2. To develop pupils’ skills in speaking, listening, reading.
  3. To educate the feelings of international friendship and love to our Motherland.

Equipment and visual aids: computers, overhead projector, the screen, the PowerPoint presentation, the board.

Type of the lesson: Revision and getting new information.

Interaction: Geography, History, Biology.

Time (min.)

Teacher’s actions.

Pupils’ actions.


2 min.

I. Organization Stage. Greeting. Declaration of the objectives of the lesson.

– Today we’ll have an unusual lesson. We’ll touch on the theme “Eastern Kazakhstan”. There is nothing about this region in our textbooks, but you know some facts about it from History, Geography and Biology.




4 min.

II. Phonetic practice.

The lesson begins with the poem about Kazakhstan (the poem is recorded and played on the computer).

Checking and correcting where necessary.



Listening and reading the poem with good intonation.

Task 1.

9 min.

III. Warm up. Revising topics “Great Britain. London”, “Kazakhstan. Astana”.

– Today a foreign guest is going to visit us. She’ll tell us about her Motherland. Listen to her and be ready to ask her questions.




– And now ask Helen questions about her Motherland.

– And now let’s speak about our country.





A girl (it was her home task) describes Great Britain, London, speaks about herself.

Asking questions.


A boy (it was his home task) describes Kazakhstan, Astana.











Slides with the sightseeing of Astana.

13 min.

IV. Reading and finding information.

– So you see that our guest is from Great Britain. And now let’s speak about our native place: Where do you live? How can you describe your region? You are to listen to the text about Eastern Kazakhstan and then do some tasks. But first of all, let’s revise the words.

a) Geographical names from the text are on the overhead projector.

b) Active vocabulary is on the overhead projector.


– And now listen to the text, read it and be ready to do some tasks.




Reading the words in chorus.

Listening, repeating, translating the words.

Listening, reading after the announcer.



Slide 1.


Slide 2.



Task 2.

Presentations2, 3 (Slides of the Eastern Kazakhstan, Ust-Kameno-


10 min.

V. Working with the text.

– Complete the sentences.

– Give the beginning of the sentences.


– Answer the questions.


– Now describe your native land to Helen.

Doing the task in pairs.

Doing the task in pairs (they exchanged their partners).

Answering the questions (frontal work).

Describing Eastern Kazakhstan, using the questions (“Snowball”).

Questions are given on the sheets of paper.



Slide 3.

Slide 4.



Slide 5.


Presentation2(Slides of the Eastern Kazakhstan).


5 min.

VI. Doing test.

– And now I’d like to check your knowledge of the text. Do the test (it is on the screens of the computers).


Doing the test. Self- checking, giving marks.


Task 3.

2 min.

VII. Conclusion. Evaluation. Home task.




Task 1.

Oh, Kazakhstan, I’m in love with you!
Remember, Kazakhstan, you are great
Not in the green fields full of wheat,
And forests, gardens free of dust.
I love you deeply, dear land,
Your hills and rivers, lakes and seas,
Which give me always much delight

Task 2.

Text «Eastern Kazakhstan».

Our native land is Eastern Kazakhstan. It borders on the Altai Krai region of the Russian Federation and China. The climate here is sharp continental with severe winters and long and hot summers. The landscape of Eastern Kazakhstan is beautiful. The main river is the Irtysh with its rapid tributaries such as the Kurchum, the Bukhtarma and the Ulba rivers. The largest lake, the Markakol is a unique beautiful place. Woods cover 3 million hectares of the region. Flora includes various bushes, flowers and medicinal herbs. Fauna is very rich in Eastern Kazakhstan.

Our land is often called «Rudny Altai» because it is rich in natural recourses. Coal, iron ores, titan, zinc, lead, raw materials for cement and brick production are found or produced here.

The centre of our region is Ust-Kamenogorsk, a large industrial town. The Zinc and Lead Industry Complex, the Ulba Metallurgical Plant and the Titanium and Magnesium Plant are situated in our town.

Our region is famous not only for its nature and mineral deposits. Many famous people were born or worked on this land. For example, Abai Kunanbayev, Chokan Valikhanov. Such famous naturalists as Humboldt, Przhevalsky, Semyonov- Tyan-Shansky travelled across these places. Dostoyevsky, a world-known writer, was on an exile in Semipalatinsk. Bazhov and Volkov began their literary career in Eastern Kazakhstan. Our region is the homeland of talented singers Bibigul Tulegenova and Rosa Rymbayeva.

The region is also a large cultural and educational centre of the country. We have several universities, colleges, different types of secondary schools. Our citizens can go to museums, theaters, cinemas, clubs or libraries.

Test «Eastern Kazakhstan».

1. Eastern Kazakhstan borders on……
a) Russia and China; b) China and Kyrgyzstan; c) Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan;

2. The climate is….
a) arctic; b) mild; c) sharp continental;

3. The main river is….
a) the Syr- Dariya; b) the Ulba; c) the Irtysh;

4. The largest lake is….
a) the Sasykkol; b) the Alakol; c) the Markakol;

5. The centre of Eastern Kazakhstan is….
a) Ridder; b) Ust- Kamenogorsk; c) Semey;

6) The main industrial plants of our region are……
a) the Zinc and Lead Industry Complex and the Ulba Metallurgical Plant;
b) the Ulba Metallurgical Plant and the Weaving Factory; c) the Oil Factory and the Titanium and Magnesium Plant;

7)……..lived and worked in Eastern Kazakhstan.
a) M. Auezov and D. Dzhabayev; b) Abai Kunanbayev, Bazhov, Volkov; c) G. Musrepov and Ch. Valikhanov;
