V международный творческий конкурс «Весна идёт — весне дорогу!» для детей, педагогов и воспитателей Казахстана, стран ближнего и дальнего зарубежья

Внеклассное мероприятие «Young Polyglot»

V международный творческий конкурс «Весна идёт — весне дорогу!» для детей, педагогов и воспитателей Казахстана, стран ближнего и дальнего зарубежья


Таловер Оксана Владимировна учитель английского языка, второй категории, стаж 7 лет, КГУ «Первый общеобразовательный IT-лицей », Казахстан, Северо-Казахстанская область, г. Петропавловск

Aim: to develop the students’ interest and creative abilities in learning English, Russian and Kazakh; to practice using the expressive skills; to develop students’ abilities in listening and speaking; to develop cultural knowledge of 5th grade students

Objectives; in the end the students will be able:

  • to use the creative abilities in learning English
  • to demonstrate their cultural knowledge

The plan

Presenter: Good afternoon, dear guests and students! Today we’ve gathered here to test your knowledge of English, Kazakh and Russian cultures.

You’ll have a variety of tasks to check and show your knowledge in three languages and cultures.

Students need to be divided into groups either beforehand or at the moment. Students write their answers on the answer sheets. Then the jury checks their answers and counts the points. (Приложение 1, Приложение 2)

I. Blitz — Quiz

Each group answers the question one by one. If one of the groups struggles to give the answer, the question can be answered by the next group.

1) When do people in our country celebrate Constitution Day? (30th of August)
2) What holiday do people of Great Britain celebrate on the 25th of December? (Christmas Day.)
3) When do people celebrate the Day of languages in Kazakhstan? (on the 22nd of September.)
4) What holiday do people of Kazakhstan celebrate on the 22nd of March? (Nauryz.)
5) What flower is the national symbol of England? (Rose)
6) What is the capital of America? (Washington)
7) Where is the Statue of Liberty situated? (New-York)
8) Who is the first president of America? (George Washington)
9) What is the national sport of America? (Baseball)
10) What is the capital of Wales? (Cardiff)
11) What is the name of a famous character in Kazakh fairy tales? He is famous for being very clever. (Aldar Kose)
12) What’s the name of the most famous clock in Britain? (Big Ben)
13) What’s the name of the British flag? (Union Jack)
14) Where is the official residence of the Queen? (Buckingham Palace)
15)What bird is depicted on the flag of our country? (Eagle)

II. Language round. Write either English, Russian or Kazakh equivalents of the given words.

Students answer the questions on the answer sheets and check only when every group has given their answers to the jury.

1) What is Kazakh for sheep? — Қой
2) What is English for балық? — Fish
3) What is Russian and English for арыстан? — лев-lion
4) What is Kazakh and English for обезьяна? — Маймыл- monkey
5) What is English for түйе? — Camel
6) What is Russian and English for сағат? — часы-clock
7) What is English for сыйлық? — Present

III. Picture round. Guess what country is shown on the picture: Kazakhstan, the UK or the USA.

Students answer the questions on the answer sheets and check only when every group has given their answers to the jury.

1) The UK
2) Kazakhstan
3) The UK
4) The USA
5) Kazakhstan
6) The USA
7) The UK

IV. Guess the word to complete the sentence. Example: I can tell you all the day, When it’s time to sleep and time to play.

Students answer the questions on the answer sheets and check only when every group has given their answers to the jury.

1.At seven o’clock
He finished his.... (work)
2.I don’t like to eat porridge,
Give me best an...... (orange)
3.I have a mouth and I can talk.
I have two legs and I can ... (walk)
4.Birds start to sing,
When it is ...... (spring)
5.Snow is falling all around.
Falling, falling on the ... (ground)

V. True or False. Write if these statements are true or false.

Students answer the questions on the answer sheets and check only when every group has given their answers to the jury.

1. There are 55 states in the USA. — F
2. G. Washington discovered America. — F
3. New York is the capital of Australia. — F
4. There are 26 letters in English. — T
5. In Kazakhstan we celebrate the New Year in January and in March. — T
6. The Statue of Liberty is in Paris. — F
7. The colours of the flag of the UK are red, blue and white. — T

VI. Picture round. Write the name of the famous person, a city or a place of interest.
Students answer the questions on the answer sheets and check only when every group has given their answers to the jury.

1) Name the person on the picture. — Nursultan Nazarbayev
2) Name the person on the picture. — Elizabeth II
3) Name the author of this book. — JK Rowling
4) Name the town. — Petropavlovsk
5) Name the famous place of interest in London. — London Eye
6) Name this famous singer. — Ed Sheeran
7) Name the city where this building is situated. — New York.

The winner is a group with the most amounts of points.
