Тема: «The ABC — fun»
Мухаметьярова Лилия Ваисовна, учитель английского языка, вторая квалификационная категория высшего уровня, ГУ «Средняя школа имени В. Комарова п. Шантобе» ОО г. Степногорска, Акмолинская область, Сандыктауский район, поселок Шантобе |
Класс: 5
- образовательная — повторить и обобщить все полученные знания, активизировать лексику урока;
- развивающая — развивать навыки чтения, говорения через ответы на вопросы, монологической и диалогической речи, знание алфавита, числительных, лексики по пройденным темам, цветов, письма, произносительных навыков;
- воспитательная — учить работать в группах, прививать интерес к изучению английского языка, работать самостоятельно.
Тип урока: урок закрепление.
Методы: работа в группах, фронтальный опрос, индивидуальный опрос, закрепление, метод проектов, презентация.
Оборудование: доска, таблицы, наглядное пособие, картинки с предметами, цветами и членами семьи, интерактивная доска.
Good morning, boys and girls! I am glad to see you at the English lesson. Today we are having an unusual lesson where we repeat everything we have learnt at our lessons. So let’s begin our lesson. The duty report. Who is on duty, today? What date is it, today? What day is it, today? Who is absent?
The first task.
Now I show you a letter and you must tell me what letter it is. (Working with cards.)
The second task.
Write the children’s name in alphabetical order.
1. Den, Fred, Gus, Jack, Willy, Tom, Sergei, Roy, Pete, Nick, Andy, Bobby, Kevin, Victory, Mike.
2. Liza, Zara, Helen, Tim, Ann, Betsy, Jane, Frank, Carol, Ruth, Diana, Emma, Sue, Nelly, Kate.
1. Andy, Bobby, Den, Fred, Gus, Jack, Kevin, Mike, Nick, Pete, Roy, Sergei, Tom, Victory, Willy.
2. Ann, Betsy, Carol, Diana, Emma, Frank, Helen, Jane, Kate, Liza, Nelly, Ruth, Sue, Tim, Zara.
The third task.
Now let’s repeat the words on the theme «My Family». I show you a picture and you should tell me who it is. (Working with pictures.) And now find the pair word.
Grandmother — grandfather
Father — mother
Sister — brother
Son — daughter
Aunt — uncle
Nephew — niece
The fourth task.
Make up words.
1. Tree, nose, table.
2. Green, rose, face.
3. Red, plate, cat.
The fifth task.
Divide the following words into two columns, according to the types of reading.
1. Lip, it, tie, line, five, nine, sit, in, six, my, big, milk.
2. Red, three, bed, he, ten, me, left, desk, dress, street, yes, tree.
3. Plate, bag, take, man, face, flag, lamp, table, hand, place, hat, name.
The sixth task.
Name the numerals.
1, 3, 5, 7, 11.
12, 15, 16, 18, 20.
22, 24, 26, 41, 43.
51, 53, 57, 62, 64.
72, 74, 77, 80, 85.
87, 90, 91, 93, 96.
The seventh task.
Act two dialogues.
1. Hello!
How are you?
I’m fine. And you?
I’ m very well. Thank you!
Have you got a pen?
Yes, I have.
How many pens have you got?
I have two pens.
Give me one, please.
Yes, please, take it.
Thank you.
2. Hello!
Hello! What’s your name?
My name’s ... . What’s your name?
My name’s ... . Where are you from?
I’m from Astana. And where are you from?
I’m from Almaty. How old are you?
I’m 11. And how old are you?
I’m 11. Nice to meet you. Good-bye!
Nice to meet you, too. Good-bye!
3. Good morning!
Good morning!
How are you?
I’m fine. And how are you?
I’m OK.
Do you want some lemonade?
No, thanks.
Do you want some orange juice?
Yes, please. I love orange juice!
The eighth task.
Now some of our pupils show you their presentations on the theme «About myself». It was their homework and they did it themselves. (Using Power Point.)
The ninth task.
Now I show you the pictures and you should answer my questions: What is it? Is it ...? What colour is this ...? (Working with cards.) Repeating the words on the themes: clothes, objects, colours and so on.
The tenth task.
Let’s read a little. (Working with the tables.)
The eleventh task.
Find the words.
Table, pen, pencil, book, computer.
The twelfth task.
Let’s talk. Answer my questions.
What’s your name? Where are you from? How old are you? Which class are you in? How are you?
What subjects do you like? Do you like ...? Have you got a pen? How many pens have you got?
Now our lesson came to the end. All of you worked very well at the lesson. Your marks for the lesson are ... . So, the lesson is over, good-bye!
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