Седьмой международный творческий конкурс «Золотая осень» для детей, педагогов и воспитателей


Тheme of the lesson: Countable or uncountable

Восьмой международный творческий конкурс «Золотая осень» для детей, педагогов и воспитателей



Аленина Кристина Олеговна, учитель английского языка, вторая квалификационная категория высшего уровня, КГУ «Надеждинская основная школа», СКО, Кызылжарский район, село Надежка

Аленина Кристина Олеговна

Aims of the lesson:

1) to consolidate such Grammar like «Countable/Uncountable nouns», using «much/many», «some/any» in the speech.
2) to develop pupils` abilities in reading, speaking and writing.
3) to bring up pupils to be friendly, polite to each other.

Methods of teaching: presentation, question-answer, individual and pair work, warm-up

Type of the lesson: lesson-generalization

Form of the lesson: mixed

Aids: cards, textbook of T. Ayapova, D.Ukbaev «English, 5»(2010), interactive board, presentation, toy.

Plan of the lesson:

I. Organization moment:

А) Greeting

Teacher greets pupils: «Good morning, boys and girls! I`m glad to see you at the lesson. Take your seats, please.»

B) Asking of the daily questions:
Teacher asks some daily questions:
Who`s on duty today?
What date is it today?
What day of the week is it today?

II. Warm-up

Children and teacher together read the riddle and children try to find right answer.

What is it?
It is red, and sweet,
And it is nice to eat. (An apple)

III. Checking the homework

Word dictation: knife, вилка, spoon, стакан, plate, морковь, cabbage, лимон, sugar.

IV. Teacher introduces the pupils with the theme and aims of the lesson

Teacher: Our theme today is «Countable or uncountable». Children, tell me, please, what nouns are countable/uncountable? Give the examples, please!

1) Doing Exercise 9 p. 144. What are the names of the things in the picture? Match the word to the picture.
Children should say names of the things and match each word to the picture.

a) tomato    b) egg    c) water    d) potato       e) cheese    f) bread
g) banana   h) milk    i) lemon    j) cabbage     k) carrot      l) sugar    m) meat    n) apple

2) Countable or Uncountable?

Exercise 10 p. 145 Listen and repeat.

Children should listen to the teacher and repeat the words after her/him.

3) Work with presentation. What are the names of the things? What nouns are they? Countable or Uncountable?

Children work with the task in the presentation. At first they should name the thing and then say countable or uncountable is it.

Countable                 Uncountable
an apple                    tea
a tomato                   milk
an orange                  flour
a strawberry              money

4) Development of writing skills

Exercise 11 p. 145. Read and write the words below. Countable or Uncountable?
Children should read the words and divide them into 2 categories: Countable or Uncountable.

C                                   U
plate                            snow
armchair                       rain
lamp                            butter
apple                           money
sofa                             meat

V. Revision of Grammar «some/any»

At first children repeat the rule. Teacher: Children, tell me, please, when do we use «some» with the nouns and when-«any»? What sentences are they?

1. There are ___ bananas on the plate.(some)
2. There isn`t ___ sugar at home. (any)
3. Are there ___ tomatoes in the fridge? (any)
4. Is there ___ milk in the bottle? (any)
5. Would you like ___coffee? (some)
6. There are ___chairs in the kitchen. (some)
7. There isn`t ___ cheese on the plate. (any)

VI. Pair-work. Work with cards

Children should divide words into two categories but before it they speak about using " much/many» with the nouns.

How much?                    How many?
juice                              tables
water                             cups
milk                               bananas
sugar                             pencils
music                            cakes
football                           books
money                            beds
meat                              rooms

VII. Development of speaking skills

Children should make a dialogue «Would you like some…»


— Hello!


— How are you?

I`m fine, thank you! And you?

— I`m all right! Would you like some pizza?

Yes, please. I love pizza.

— How about some tea?

Yes, please.

— Here you are.

Thank you.

VIII. Homework: Ex. 12 p.145

Children should make a list of food and drink they eat and drink.

             food                          drink
     C             U                  C          U
apples         bread              —       water

IX. Reflection. Playing game «Countable/Uncountable»

Teacher throws a toy and says some words. Children should answer countable or uncountable is it.
Words: tomato, coke, carrot, tennis, meat, cheese, lemon, water, egg, bread…

X. Sum up of the lesson

Teacher speaks about marks for the lesson and thanks for the work:
Thank you very much. It was such a pleasure to work with you. The lesson is over. Good-bye, children!

Appendix 1

How much?

How much?
















