Девятый международный творческий конкурс «Зимние забавы» для детей, педагогов и воспитателей Казахстана, стран ближнего и дальнего зарубежья


The theme of the lesson: The role of English language in the world

Девятый международный творческий конкурс «Зимние забавы» для детей, педагогов и воспитателей Казахстана, стран ближнего и дальнего зарубежья




Займиди Юлия Викторовна, учитель английского языка второй категории, стаж 14 лет, КГУ «Арыкбалыкская средняя школа» Айыртауский район, СКО

The goal: Формировать и развивать коммуникативную и социокультурную компетенцию.


• совершенствование навыков чтения, аудирования.
• совершенствование лексических навыков по теме.
• развитие коммуникативной культуры.

Equipments: interactive board, cards, video.

The structure of the lesson

1. Orgmoment

Teacher: Good morning! It’s time to begin our lesson. Look at the blackboard and make some rules for successful lesson.

During our lesson we must

• speak English or Russian
• be active or passive
• speak loudly or quietly

Let`s say loudly «Good morning!»

2. Speech training:

Teacher: «I want to start with a legend. Please look at the screen.
Have you ever heard of a tower of Babel?
Listen to the legend and be ready to answer my questions.
What did people want to build?
What happened with people in this legend?
What came to the earth?
What are we going to talk about today?
How do think what is theme of our lesson?
And what language is considered be international and world today?
Why do people learn language?
And why do you learn English?»

3. Working with activeboard

Teacher: «Look at the screen and find five adjectives which describe English language».

Teacher: «Find synonyms to each adjectives»:

Teacher: «There is a glossary on your table. Write these synonyms in your glossary.»

4. Working with cards.

№ Questions Your opinion Information
1 How many people live on our planet?
2 What per cent (%) of all people speak English?
3 What place does English take among other languages?
5 In what sphere can you meet English?

1. Read the questions and give your own answers.
2. Complete the table using your ideas from this video.
3. Let`s do it in the following way: one reads the question and the other answers.

Деление на группы:

I group (Kazakhstan, Astana, Kazakh, President, Irtysh, shanyrak)

II group (England, London, English, Queen, Thames, red rose)

4. Приём «I-YOU-WE»

1. Read and understand the text.
2. Change your ideas with your partner.
3. Change your ideas with the pair in your group.
4. Discuss the ideas in your group and make some questions («thick» and «thin» questions) to other group.

Globish is a world language.

Globish is not called English because it is not the whole of the language used in England or America, or even the whole language of any people who are native-speakers of English. Most Globish communicators are not native English-speakers. Globish is not a language: it is an agreed small part of an ever changing and growing language called English.

We talk a lot about international communication, but Globish is also important for national communication. In many countries, people speak several languages that are all important. Swiss people speak German, Italian, French or Romansh. Belgians speak French, German, Dutch or Flemish. The largest countries like India, and Russia, and China each have many local languages. Israelis speak Hebrew or Arabic. In many cases, all those people only know their own language. They cannot communicate together because they know only one language; their own. In some countries, even people who can speak another language try not to speak it.

In all those cases, Globish is the solution. Already, in many of these countries, people try to communicate in English just because it is neutral. It is not the language of any one group. Globish is good for them because it offers a solution and is easy to learn.

«Globish» is a set of English words and ways of using them first defined by Jean-Paul Nerrière as documented by the Globish Foundation. It may include extra words as International and Special words. Globish includes good ways of communicating that makes understanding easier for people who are not first-language English speakers. Globish does not involve any invented words or ways of using them.

Globish is being supported as a universal way to communicate. It is useful in all continents of the world and differs from English only in being just an agreed part of English, with helpful ways of communicating. This makes it easy to learn. Its limits are why it is so good:

  • Globish has only 1500 words (1500 is a known number for every day, general communication);
  • the words are known to everyone so people can use Globish words and then add others by agreement, defining them in Globish);
  • Globish does not include difficult ways of using English (so it is easier to understand, learn and use);
  • Globish does not include local examples, local ways of speaking, or anything like this (so understanding is more broadly available);
  • Globish uses positive statements and short sentences (so it is easy to understand in other languages);
  • Globish allows for different ways of speaking and spelling English words;
  • having learned Globish, a person can ’grow’ their communication skills to speak and write English, if required;
  • with computers, teachers who are not native speakers of English can teach others to communicate in Globish;
  • with computers, people can learn Globish without a teacher;
  • English-speaking people who have problems with English communication can use Globish to communicate;
  • Globish is better for people who might have different abilities and be disabled.

7. Homework

Teacher: «Read and write in your piece of paper the quotation by J. W. Goethe „He, who knows no foreign language, doesn’t know his own one“ and send your stories to my e-mail zajmidi. yuliya.81@mail. ru».

Teacher: «Well, the last information for you. Different people live on our planet. And they have been speaking different languages. I hope that mutual understanding will never die, will never stop understanding each other. And I hope that mutual understanding on the planet — Earth will be forever».

And I want to return to the legend of Babel and ask the question «What language would help these people to understand each other?».

8. Reflection

Teacher: «I want to finish our lesson with writing Сinquain».

1 line — one noun, describing the theme of our lesson
2 line — two adjectives, describing the first word
3 line — three verbs, going with the first word
4 line — one sentence, describing the theme of the lesson
5 line — an association with the first word


1 — lesson
2 — useful, interesting
3 — to learn, to teach, to listen
4 — English is a very interesting lesson.
5 — subject
