Урок английского языка в 8 классе «The discovery of America»
Черешко Тамара Владимировна учитель английского языка, высшая категория, стаж 18 лет КГУ Минкесерская средняя школа. Казахстан, СКО, Мамлютский район, с.Минкесер |

T3. Lesson 33. The discovery of America. |
School: Minkeserskaya |
Date:9.01 |
Teacher’s name: Chereshko T.V. |
Grade: 8 |
Number present: |
absent: |
Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to |
C. respect differing points of view; L. understand with little or no support the main points in short talk on curricular topic; S. ask simple questions to get information about some curricular topics; R. Understand words, read them correctly |
Lesson objectives |
Methods and forms of work |
Elements of the critical thinking, information communicative technology, frontal, individual and pair work. |
Equipment |
Equipment: textbooks, computer with multimedia projector, video films: httpsss://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMiReDGqs3Q (The song about Columbus discovery) “Christopher Columbus” httpsss://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZEEbQ3hWmU cards with text on the topic, technological cards (maps) of the lesson |
Previous learning |
Education |
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