Опубликовано 12.05.2021 - 09:53 пользователем Editor

Speech etiquette is an important element for some national culture. In the language, speech behavior, stable communication formula, a rich national experience, the uniqueness of customs, lifestyle, living conditions of each nation were deposited. The national-cultural specificity of speech behavior consists of a system of factors that determine the differences in organization, functions and the way of mediating communication processes characteristic of a particular national-cultural community. Among these factors, the main ones, in our opinion, are the following:
Опубликовано 12.05.2021 - 09:40 пользователем Editor

Language is not only meaning the communication, it is the soul of the people, the keeper of traditions and culture. Linguistic diversity in Kazakhstan has always been for a priority. This can be judged by 1997 Law «The Languages in the Republic of Kazakhstan». It says that all languages of the Kazakh people are a national treasure.