Седьмой международный творческий конкурс «Золотая осень» для детей, педагогов и воспитателей


Абдыкадырова Гульбаршин Идеевна

Восьмой международный творческий конкурс «Золотая осень» для детей, педагогов и воспитателей


The theme of the lesson: Rivers. Seas. Mountains

The theme of the lesson: Rivers. Seas. Mountains

The aims of the lesson:

to enrich pupils’ knowledge about Kazakhstan
to develop oral and written speech
to bring up patriots of their Motherland, to teach children to be attentive, kind and polite, to bring up feelings of friendship

Theme of the lesson: Holidays in Canada

Фото с сайта www.kartinki24.ru

Educational: to broaden students’ knowledge about canadin holidays. Developing: to develop students’ habits and skills in reading, writing and speaking. Bringing-up: to arise pupils’ interest in learning foreign language. Objectives: to enrich their vocabulary, to form pupils' communicative culture, to develop speech ability and listening skills; to form cross-cultural literacy, to strengthen knowledge of country studying, to train skills of planning and skills of working in an optimal mode

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