The theme: New Zealand
Байгондиева Гульнур Оспановна, ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі, жоғары санатты, еңбек өтілі 12 жыл, Кеңес Одағының Батыры С. Рахымов атындағы Шымкент республикалық «Жас ұлан» мектебі, ОҚО, Шымкент қаласы |
The aims: Pupils learn more about New Zealand
The aims of the lesson:
All pupils:
• Pupils get some information about New Zealand and learn new lexics according to the theme.
Many of pupils:
• Pupils can make up sentences using conditional according to the text.
Some pupils:
• Pupils can tell about New Zealand in English.
Language aims:
Pupils can easily find the new words from the text and dictionary.
Main words and word combinations:
Islands, the self governing state, head, Government, established, considered, heavy industry, iron and steel industry, petroleum.
Making up dialogue:
Questions for discussion:
• What do you imagine when you see these pictures?
• How do you think what will be today`s theme?
• What places would you visit if you go to New Zealand?
• If I go to New Zealand I would visit ..................................
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