Девятый международный творческий конкурс «Зимние забавы» для детей, педагогов и воспитателей Казахстана, стран ближнего и дальнего зарубежья


Theme: Sport (review)

Девятый международный творческий конкурс «Зимние забавы» для детей, педагогов и воспитателей Казахстана, стран ближнего и дальнего зарубежья




Балтабаева Алия Сериковна учитель английского языка, сертифицированный учитель 3 уровня, второй категории, Школа-лицей № 53 города Астаны

Theme: Sport (review)

Form: 6 D, School-lyceum #53, Astana

Teacher: Baltabaeva A.S.

Book: New opportunities

Level: elementary

Theme: Sport (review)

Purpose: Children will be able to revise all grammar material and vocabulary about sport in their speech.


1. to teach pupils to make sentences with new grammar and vocabulary.
2. to develop speech culture of pupils, culture of communication; ability to work in group.
3. to form positive motivation of the students, readiness to perceive culture of English speaking country

Expected results:

Pupils with low progress (PLP): can distinguish word meaning and grammar material.

Pupils with average progress (PAP): can use grammar material.

Pupils with high progress (PHP): could to provide information in English with grammar.

Resources: books, A3 papers, stickers, papers with tasks, papers with sport for puzzle, table with type of sports, 3 dices, pictures of sport on the board.


Type of work

Role of the Teacher

Pupils’  Actions




Organizational moment.



•  Play ‘Simon says’ with the students. Give the students instructions (using imperatives) to do things such as: Stand up, sit down, jump in the air, turn around, kick a ball, play baseball, etc.

•  Include some sports-related ideas, e.g. kick a ball.

•  If T. starts the sentence with Simon says, students must follow the instruction, but if T. doesn’t say Simon says, they must not.

•  Anyone who follows the instruction when T. doesn’t say Simon says is out.


Dividing into the groups by puzzles


To explain idea of a rough estimate and to make sure that children understood it.






The teacher begins a lesson. Carries out ice-breaker with the purpose to increase of motivation and a to divide pupils into 2 or 3 groups.




The teacher explains acquaints pupils with estimation rules.







Pupils listen that we will do during the lesson. Are positively adjusted on a lesson. Take seats on groups.



Pupils make the offers on estimation.

New subject












Checking home task by making presentation about sport.

Assessing by «star and wish».

Watching video about sport in Britain and work with worksheets Write missing words

  1. __________   the scene of some great football matches
  2. All tennis players want to win in tournament at _____________
  3. Saint Andrews in Scotland is the home of _________
  4. There are over 20,000 public ____________________ in Britain
  5. About 40 percent of British people go ______________.
  6. British people love watching sport, too. On television and __________.
  7. It’s a Scottish game called __________. You play it on ice.


  1. Wimbley
  2. Wimbledon
  3. Golf
  4. Swimming pool
  5. Walking life
  6. Curling

Game for have to and can

(Each group will have a copy of  the board with  squares, a dice. Students take turns to throw the dice and move their counter. When they land on a square, they have to make two sentences with can, can’t, don’t have to or have to. The winner is the group of pupils  which reaches Finish first)

Individual tasks

  1. Underline the right answer

1. In ice skating you can / have to wear skates

2. In football you have to / don’t have to hit other players.

3. In diving you can / don’t have to have a snorkel

4. In horse racing you don’t have to / have to ride a horse

5. In hang gliding you have to / can wear a helmet.

6. In sailing you have to / can wear a life jacket.

7.When you serve in tennis, the ball has to / can go over the net

8.When you play tennis, you don’t have to / can’t touch the net with the racket

9. When you play football, you don’t have to / can’t touch the ball with your hands

  1. Find mistakes in these sentences

1. I can use my mobile in class to listen to music

2. I don’t have to have a stick to play hockey

3. Students have to smoke at school


Work with video

 (6 - «5»

5-4 -  «4»

3  – «3»)


(16-13 - «5»,

12-9 - «4»,

8-5 – «3»)


Task 1

(9-8 - «5»

7-5 - «4»

4-3 – «3»)

Task 2

(8-7 - «5»

6-5  - «4»

4-3 - «3»)


Task 3

(8-7 «5»

6-5 «4»

4-3 «3»)












4. You can’t be quiet at the theatre

5. Good actors have to be tall.

6. Tourists don’t have to be on time at the airport

7. When you go to the swimming pool, you don’t have to wear a swimming cap

8. When you go abroad (заграница) , you can have a passport

  1. Guess the sport or game
  1. You have to hit a small white ball into a hole in the ground. ______________
  2. You can’t allow the ball to touch your hand.__________
  3. You don’t have to know how to swim when you stand by the river.____________
  4. You can wear colourful clothes but not at Wimbledon._____________
  5. You have to wear boots with metal parts on the ice._____________
  6. You have to drive the car very fast. ____________
  7. You have to hit a puck with your stick._______________
  8. You have to hit the ball over the net with your hands.___________

The teacher directs pupils and observes.



The teacher gives time to find words, directs pupils and  observes.















Give instruction.





The teacher observes student’s work


Ss make presentations.


Ss. follow the instruction write answers. And check answers  in pairs













Follow the instruction, work individually. Checking in a group.



Ss try to make sentences

without any mistakes.




Follow the instruction




write a reflection

1. What was I able to do? What did I learn?

2. What difficulties did I face? I have question, a wish.

 Homework: ex 1 p.58

The teacher directs.

Write a reflection.

Assessment sheet


Grade: 6D

Использованная литература:

1. Michael Harris, David Mower, Anna Sikorzhynska, УМК «New opportunities», уровень elementary, Pearson Longman, 2008
